Skin aging types: how to recognize and care for your skin

Every girl’s skin is different and ages in its own way. Anti-aging cosmetology defines five types of aging skin. The earlier you recognize your type of aging, the better your chances are of taking proper care of your skin and preventing unwanted changes. In this article we’ll determine your type of aging together and provide valuable skin care tips.

Tired type

The tired morphotype is considered the most natural type. Often skin looks fresh and alert in the morning but sags and slumps in the evening. This type of aging is typical for thin women with an oval face shape.

  • The face visually loses volume.
  • The corners of the lips and eyes droop, creating a ‘tired face’.
  • Nasolabial folds are noticeable.
  • The skin tone takes on a greyish, earthy appearance.

What can you do?

  • Use skin care products with antioxidants, vitamin C and AHAs. These ingredients help renew skin, improve complexion and slow down aging.
  • Give at least 10 minutes to a hand massage every day to boost circulation and refresh your skin tone.
  • Facial sculpting can help tone facial muscles. There are many different techniques: be sure to try it!
  • Once or twice a year, visit your beautician for a peel.
  • If you want to reduce mimic wrinkles and are not afraid of injections, you can resort to fillers with hyaluronic acid.

The fine-wrinkle type

The fine-wrinkle type of aging is called beautiful because the face maintains clear contours for a long time, does not “float” and does not deform. Only the skin acquires first fine, and later deep wrinkles, and begins to resemble a wrinkled tissue. This type of aging is typical for owners of dry, normal and sensitive skin.

  • Your face becomes covered with a network of fine “dry” wrinkles.
  • Constantly feels dry and tight skin.
  • In high and low temperatures the skin reacts redness, peeling, unpleasant tingling and itching.
  • Fine lines appear on the forehead and in the corners of the lips and eyes.
  • Discolouration of the skin may also occur.

What can you do?

  • Pay special attention to nourishing your skin. Nourishing, rich-textured creams, overnight masks, and plant-oil serums are all great for you.
  • Choose collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin and ceramides as your favorite ingredients.
  • Wear sunscreen before going outdoors. In any weather and all year round!
  • Among cosmetic procedures the most suitable would be photo rejuvenation, mesotherapy, peels, biorevitalization and contouring.

Deformity type

The deformation type is probably the most unpleasant of all: the face literally distorts, as if in a crooked mirror. Alas, this is the type most often encountered in women from Slavic countries. Owners of the deformational type of aging are prone to obesity, and have a combined or oily skin type.

  • The face “blurs”, loses a clear contour.
  • Dropping of cheeks.
  • A double chin forms.
  • Often the face swells and “bags” appear under the eyes.
  • A network of blood vessels becomes visible.
  • The complexion is still flat.

What to do?

  • Use lifting masks to lift the chin and the whole face.
  • Be sure to add products that strengthen blood vessels and prevent the development of couperose.
  • Take care of your excess weight: it greatly affects the appearance of your face.
  • Practice facial muscular gymnastics (face building) and sculpting facial massage.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking is one of the most common ones.
  • If the face completely lost its former shape, only extreme measures will help – plastic surgery.

Muscular type

This type of aging can be called “athletic”. Only the skin changes, while the face retains its clear contours. Muscular type aging is encountered in women with a triangular or oval face shape who are not prone to excessive weight. Asian women often follow this scenario of aging.

  • There are pronounced “crows feet” in the corners of the eyes and nasolabial folds.
  • Their eyelids droop.
  • The skin tone becomes dull.
  • Lowered corners of the lips.
  • The contour of the face remains emphasised.

What to do?

  • Moisturize your skin with hyaluronic acid, aquaxyl and botanical extracts.
  • Get a healthy diet and sleep.
  • Beauty treatments should include mesotherapy, peels, laser rejuvenation and fillers with hyaluronic acid.

Combined type

The mixed type of aging is difficult to distinguish characteristic signs, because it combines several other types. There are many variations of the combination! Often the deformational type is mixed with a tired or fine-wrinkled type. Visually recognizing the combined type of aging is also difficult. Women who are overweight and have mixed skin are usually prone to it.

If you’re already showing signs of different types of aging on your face, study the recommendations for each type and combine them in your skincare routine.

With any type of aging skin, it’s important to take a holistic, step-by-step approach to skin care. We’ve only highlighted what’s especially important for each type of aging in this article. But the general rules of care are the same for everyone, especially if you’re already dealing with wrinkles and other signs of aging.